The Evangelical Catholic, Preparing Workers for the Harvest

A flow chart

Since 2014 the Madison Christian Giving Fund has raised and distributed over $750,000 to 40 Christian organizations. Each one has an amazing story of impact on the people they serve. This is one of them.

Perhaps you have heard the popular statement, “By all means preach the Gospel, if necessary use words.” Unfortunately this idea is not very effective in winning people to Christ. The Bible says, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17. The message is what touches hearts and draws people to Jesus. It seems like we are really comfortable letting the paid professionals do the work of evangelism so we don’t have to. Many of us don’t feel prepared to share the word of God with pre-believers. How do people get prepared to follow Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples”?

The Evangelical Catholic, a Madison-based non-profit organization, prepares every-day Catholics to build a vibrant relationship with Jesus and answer the call to be “missionaries” right where they are. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38. Led by the Holy Spirit, The Evangelical Catholic has had ministry partnership contracts with more than 200 parishes, campus ministries, and military chaplaincies across the world to prepare the workers for the harvest.

The Evangelical Catholic uses a comprehensive 12 week, small group training model called Reach More. Reach More combines proven online learning and customized coaching for lay people to navigate the needs and challenges of evangelization particular to their community.

Participants told us that the experience not only prepares them to witness to the love of Jesus and build their faith but the process itself is transformative.

The Madison Christian Giving Fund is honored to partner with The Evangelical Catholic to bring the gospel of Jesus to more people in Dane County and around the world. To learn more about the Fund, to donate or become a volunteer, go to

Author: Fred Grossenbach


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