Thank you to Fred Grossenbach for his years of making an impact for MCGF in more ways than we could ever know.

At the time of writing this article, it is fitting that it is at the exact time of the eclipse. While there are many different spiritual beliefs that tie to the eclipse, one view is to consider this time as a moment of reflection and renewed reverence.

At the Madison Christian Giving Fund, this ties into where we find ourselves today. We reflect back on how it all began over 10 years ago with reverence – how God worked His will and plan through all of us who have been His hands and feet.

One key person in all of this has been Fred Grossenbach. We all can pick Fred out easily over the years, his height, full head of white hair and of course his big smile.

We are taking a moment to do a special shout out and thank you to Fred as he has found his time with the Madison Christian Giving Fund (the “MGCF”) coming to an end. Due to unexpected health issues that have prevented Fred from being at 100% capacity, he has decided to step away from his leadership role at the MCGF.

These transitions are always bittersweet. Please join us in prayer for Fred and his wife, Anne, and their beautiful family. We also ask that you pray for the MCGF during this time as we look to the future.

In talking with Fred recently, he shared his perspective on the good works of the MCGF:

“Who could have known that one unsolicited gift of $50,000 in 2013 would lead to over $1 million of grants at the end of 2023? The funds raised have served over 60 Christian ministries in Dane County. Our Ministry Partners have served in places such as jails, prisons, classrooms, camps, and shelters, lovingly sharing the Gospel with the people they serve. It reminds me of the parable of the yeast in Matthew 13:33.

‘The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour.’”

It is impossible to calculate how $1 million in the hands of our Ministry Partners has changed lives in Dane County and beyond. But, that’s the way the Kingdom works.

Our main goal initially was to help fund non-profit organizations that share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every ministry leader I know struggles to answer God’s call to serve and raise money at the same time. The pressure is intense.

In Madison, it is becoming harder and harder for Christian based organizations to get the funding they seek due to grant restrictions that will not support faith-based non-profits. Many of these organizations have felt pressured to drop the Gospel because of it. Because of this, the funds raised by the MCGF have become that much more important.

When someone is being led by God to take action to support the needs in our community, we want to support them. We love to provide the seed money to enable them to launch their ministries. We have seen so many success stories of this, such as Lighthouse Church and School, Jesus Lunch, and Shelter From the Storm and many others. The MCGF’s impact has been so widespread – even in jails and schools, and where the people are.

This drives all of us and has brought the right people in place. We have been blessed to provide Ministry Partners the whole package that has evolved to not only raising money and vetting them but providing free training from experts on topics they have asked for help with, such as fund raising, grant writing, strategic and business planning and bringing public awareness to their work. Look for them again this year at Brat Fest!

I am encouraged about the future of the MGCF. The needs are great. The base of support is broad and generous. The Leadership Team is first class.

Moving forward, I pray for the wisdom of our the MCGF Leadership Team and I am confident the Lord will provide. Thank you to everyone who has helped spread more seeds of the Gospel than we can ever know.



We thank the Lord for the privilege of serving with Fred on the Madison Christian Giving Fund (MCGF) these past many years. However, our wonderful friendship with Fred goes back a lot further. We feel so blessed to have history together.

A sweet memory is Fred on the floor of his home playing with our then 4-year-old son, while Barb was praying with Fred’s precious wife, Anne, and several other ladies. That was 35 years ago! Friendship in Christ is the best and we are grateful for all the many connections with Fred through the years.

Our most recent connection with Fred has been through the MCGF, especially while Fred served as its volunteer Director. Fred always brought the wisdom of the Lord and Scripture to share at our meetings.

He will always be thought of whenever grant applications are being evaluated and the “Fred Factor” is considered. The “Fred Factor” attempts to measure if and how the organization applying for the grant is clearly presenting the Gospel message. Building God’s Kingdom here on earth has been what Fred has devoted so much of his life to accomplishing.

Fred is a godly pillar of our community and a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fred’s life has touched so many with the love of Christ. He has brought excellent leadership to the MCGF and we will miss him tremendously. - Tom & Barb


Faith-based Stage at Brat Fest 2023