Experiencing God in Madison

Madison Wisconsin capitol rotunda at night

On September 15 the Madison Christian Giving Fund hosted an event called “Reigniting a Movement of Generosity” at Upper House on the East Campus Mall. The highlight of the morning was the testimonies of 21 Partners of the FUND. Each one shared who they were, the service they provided, and the importance of the support of the Madison Christian Giving Fund. Hearing from each of them, one by one, helped me realize how important their work is in advancing the kingdom of God in Madison. They penetrate jails, prisons, neighborhoods, shelters, schools, campuses, dorms, and even dental and medical clinics with the love of Jesus and the transforming power of the Gospel. I think this is exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

The city is the dough. The work of the partners and many others is the yeast.

Our prayers “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” are being answered before our very eyes. In the course Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby two statements stood out for me. First, “If you want to experience God, don’t try to create something He is not part of. Look around and find out where He is working and join him in his work.” Second, “God has a right to interrupt your life”. Well look no further. Make no mistake about it, God is at work in Madison! If you want to experience God, join him in his work by praying for, volunteering, and donating to the Madison Christian Giving Fund. The closer you get to the action, the more you will experience God in your life.

And, when we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:8) we will be encouraged by what God is doing in us and through us, transforming lives through the self-sacrificing acts of love and the power of the Gospel.

Author: Fred Grossenbach




Kingdom Building in the 21st Century